Friday, July 19, 2013

materials + tools

materials + tools
24 light blue 0-rings,
15x 10x2.5 mm
48 dc:vk green 0-ri n95. 7 x 3 x 2 mm
24 turquoise 0-fings. 12 x 8 x 2 mm
24 black 0 -rings. 7 x 3 x 2 mm
24 green 16-gauge anodized
aluminum jump rings. Inch AouncJ.nose pli015
Flat-nose pliers, 2 pair

Create 24 basic elements.
each w ith o ne 1 5-mm 0 -ring and
two dark g reen 7-mm 0 -rings
(page 21) Create 24 additio nal
basic elements. each with o ne
12-mm 0-ring and one blac k 7-mm
a-ring. Use 1hB round-nose pliers
to make all of the elements.

Insert the round-nose p liers
through the end of one of the
15-mm elements, and pull one e nd

of a 12-mm e lement through.

Open a jump ring using both
flat-nose p liers for this process and
as needed for the follow ing steps
(page 16). Lace the jump r ing
through the end of the 12-mm element
you just pu lled through.

tnsert the round-nose pliers
through the e nd of a second
15-mm element. and putllhrough
the free end of the 12-mm e lement
you attac hed In step 2.

Open another jump ring .
Lace it through the free e nd o f
the 12-mm e lement.

Insert the round-nose phers.
tram t he inSide of the developing
length, through the free end of the
second 15-mm e lement. Pull another
12-mm e lement through.

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