Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Here's a bit of flash and fun: the double drcles in each earring move independently of one another.

Place the JOined un,ts oo a flat surface so they re all side by side. Shift tho first unit so it's above the others.

Open another 3/8 -inch jump ring. Between the first and second units, lace the jump ring tl"'rough the 7 -mm 0-ring that's shared by three closed t..-inch Jump rings. Laca the same jump ring through the ends of the 12-mm 0 -ring that's shared by one closed nch jump r1ng. as shown on the photo. Close the Jump ring.

Attach the bottom comers between the first two units in tho same manner. us1ng another jump ring.

Add an additional jump ring to each of the matched corners in the same manner.

Join the beginning oftne length to the end in the same manner. Rotate all of the jump rings to hide the cut ends.

earrings instructions
Create o ne basic element using two 12-rnm 0-nngs. one 7-mm O·ring, and two rings on a c losed )'.-inch jump ring (page 22).

Make another basic element on the same closed jump ring.

Friday, July 19, 2013

materials + tools

materials + tools
24 light blue 0-rings,
15x 10x2.5 mm
48 dc:vk green 0-ri n95. 7 x 3 x 2 mm
24 turquoise 0-fings. 12 x 8 x 2 mm
24 black 0 -rings. 7 x 3 x 2 mm
24 green 16-gauge anodized
aluminum jump rings. Inch AouncJ.nose pli015
Flat-nose pliers, 2 pair

Create 24 basic elements.
each w ith o ne 1 5-mm 0 -ring and
two dark g reen 7-mm 0 -rings
(page 21) Create 24 additio nal
basic elements. each with o ne
12-mm 0-ring and one blac k 7-mm
a-ring. Use 1hB round-nose pliers
to make all of the elements.

Insert the round-nose p liers
through the end of one of the
15-mm elements, and pull one e nd

of a 12-mm e lement through.

Open a jump ring using both
flat-nose p liers for this process and
as needed for the follow ing steps
(page 16). Lace the jump r ing
through the end of the 12-mm element
you just pu lled through.

tnsert the round-nose pliers
through the e nd of a second
15-mm element. and putllhrough
the free end of the 12-mm e lement
you attac hed In step 2.

Open another jump ring .
Lace it through the free e nd o f
the 12-mm e lement.

Insert the round-nose phers.
tram t he inSide of the developing
length, through the free end of the
second 15-mm e lement. Pull another
12-mm e lement through.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Start with the three elements

Start with the three elements that form the Triangles
Bracelet (page 30). Add another, and you've got the
four-unit shape that's the foundation of this piece.