Open another inch jump
ring, and lace it through the end of
Element D that you didn't pull
through Element C. Also lace the
open jump ring through the attached
end o f the closest 0-dng
(Element A) and the nelghbonng
three 4.8-mm 0 -rings that are part
of Element 8. Close the jump ring.
Attach additional elements in
the same manner-adding another
basic element and then attaching a
jump ring at the opposite end-until
you've joined alllhe elements or
until the necklace Is the deslred
Open another ~a -inch jump
ring. Lace rt through the free end o f
the last element, the closest attached
end of an 0-ring, and the
three 4.8-mm 0-rings.
Open another ~c -inch
jump ring, Lace It around-not
through- the last 0 -ring you
added. Also lace the open jump
ring through the loop on the toggle
bar. Close the jump ring.
Open all three of the %-inch
jump rings. Lace one through each
of the focal beads. Before closing
the jump rings, lace each one onto
the black 12-mm 0-nng.
Open the jump ring at the
beginning of the necklace (the end
that doesn't hOld the toggle bar),
and lace it through the 12-mm
0-ring with the three beads.
Close the jump ring.
Lay the necklace on a flat
surface. Press down on the edges
to shape the piece. Rotate all the
jump rings to hide the cut ends. To
close the finished piece, insert the
toggle, from back to front, through
the black 12-mm 0-ring at the
opposite end.
1-1 |
1-2 |
1-3 |
1-4 |
1-5 |
1-6 |
1-7 |
1-8 |
1-10 |
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